Centro Especial Genesis, a mission of Students International, comes along side of those in Jarabacoa that are working with the children of Special Needs in the community.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

"The Week Between Teams"

    When we said good bye to Kappy and Renee two weeks ago, we had an upcoming week with no teams before our last two week outreach of the year. We enjoyed having my folks with us for that time and having mom help out Karen do some organizing and putting things away. As we approached this week, Maribel had informed me that on  Wednesday she would like to have another cooking class for the students and I (Mike) would be in charge of it and was to make cookies. Instantly I saw a red flag (well actually several red flags) as that was when my folks would be here. So we would need to reschedule it for Tuesday before they get here. Maribel then said that no, she thinks it would be good for my mom to see me with the kids so we stick with Wednesday. GREAT!!!!!!!! THAT'S JUST GREAT!!!! Well it actually went off pretty uneventful considering how it could have gone.
Don't be concerned that his mask is not covering his nose. It got in his way when he had to sneeze (AUGH!!!!!!)
     We also had a couple of dramas that week put on by the teachers. The first one talked about how to clean your heart. It was decided that you can't clean it with a plunger or with laundry detergent. It is best to use God to clean your heart. One of the things that has been so encouraging to Karen and me is how the teachers are so creative in their methods. They also know how to keep the attention of the kids (and adults) and get the message through..

Here the three lions (Lionesses) try to scare Daniel
 The next play on Wednesday was acting out Daniel and the Lion's den. These are done during the time that the kids have their worship and bible time, after lunch. From there, they usually have some sort of craft time.
The king is praying to his God.

Here the kids try on the costumes to play the parts.

Here is a shot of Henny after hearing that the school had just received several cases of wet wipes from our Sunday School class in the states. Thanks so much for that donation and for my folks for bringing them down to us. 

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